Better Post-crash Response: Pillar 5 of the Decade of Action for Road Safety

Road Safety Good Practices

The Decade of Action for Road Safety encourages Governments to implement road safety policies and action plans that address the following five pillars:

  1. Better road safety management
  2. Safer roads
  3. Safer vehicles
  4. Safer road user behavior
  5. Better post-crash response.

Pillar 5 concerns emergency response to avoid preventable death and disability, to limit the severity of the injury and the suffering caused by it, and to ensure the crash survivors’ best possible recovery and reintegration into society.

Post-crash response seeks to set in place capacity for immediate attention and stabilization on crash sites, appropriate transportation with a medically equipped vehicle to a medical facility, medical trauma care capacity at the hospital, and rehabilitation services as necessary and possible to permit a reintegration into active life. 

Below are a few selected examples of good practices for Pillar 5.

Road safety agencies are invited to submit their own examples of good road safety practices to SSATP so further examples can be added.

Emergency Ambulance Service Centers

In 2009 the Federal Road Safety Commission in Nigeria (FRSC) initiated a pilot scheme with emergency ambulance centers around the capitol. The project successfully decreased the response time and increased the effectiveness of emergency response considerably. The good experience has since then been used to implement the system nationwide.

For further information, consult the document Emergency Ambulance Service.

Road Traffic Crash Clinics

Road traffic crash clinics have been developed along major highways in Nigeria simultaneous with the development of the ambulance service system. The clinics not only care for road accident victims but also benefit victims of other sorts of accidents and diseases.

For further information, consult the document Road Crash Clinics.