Module 2: Planning, Design, Appraisal and Implementation

2:1:a Participatory Rural Planning Process
2:1:b Case study: Economic analysis of rural basic access roads in India
2:2:a Design of rural transport infrastructure
2:2:b Case study: Self help for LVR construction in Indonesia
2:3:a Rural road economic appraisal methodology
2:3:b Case study: Economic analysis of rural basic access road in India
2:4:a Labour Based Works Methodology
2:4:b Case study: Labour based technology in Uganda
2:5:a Small Scale Contractor Development
2:5:b Case Study: Comparison of four contractor development programmes
2:6:a Community participation in rural transport infrastructure
2:6:b Case study: A Western Ugandan road maintenance project

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Module 1: Policies & Strategies

Module 3: Finance and Management


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