Why Partner With Us?

Message from SSATP's Program Manager

There is a real consensus among all stakeholders on the unique mission of SSATP as a continental platform for experience and knowledge sharing, and the key role it plays as both a convener and leader in transport policy advocacy.

Over the last three decades, SSATP has been recognized as a leader for effectively supporting a wide range of member countries in designing sound transport policies and strategies and developing the capabilities of their transport practitioners.

This would not have been possible without the unwavering commitment of SSATP’s 42 member countries, the financial support of its development partners (most notably the European Union, the Swiss Secretariat of Economic Affairs, the African Development Bank, and the World Bank), and the strong ownership of the African Union Commission and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. This joint effort and collaborative spirit form the core value of SSATP - Partnership.

As we implement SSATP's Fourth Development Plan (DP4) spanning 2022-2026, we continue to look for new partners to fund activities and collaborate with us. By joining the financiers of SSATP’s  strategy cycle, donors not only gain access to a larger audience of key transport stakeholders, but also increase their ability to influence sector policy dialogue at the continental level. Meanwhile, African countries benefit from the added exposure to new partnership and business development opportunities, most notably the first-hand experience and lessons learned of new partners in the transport sector.

Mustapha Benmaamar

SSATP Program Manager

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Quick Facts

40 ports
supported in East, West, Central and Southern Africa
30 African countries
established second-generation road funds
120+ working papers
published on a wide range of transport policy-related topics

Want to be a Member Country?

Participate in Africa's Leading Transport Forum

To become a member country and participate in SSATP's Annual General Assembly, national governments are requested to:

      1. Officially state their intention to become an SSATP member country.

      2. Commit to work towards the achievement of SSATP’s Third Development Plan goals.

      3. Help carry out SSATP’s mandate.

Contact us at ssatp@worldbank.org for additional information.