ITS Applications

  • Operations Management

    Brief synopsis of the seven ITS Applications in the Operations Management cluster, with links to each.

    • Computer Aided Dispatch

      Detailed description of the Computer Aided Dispatch application, within the Operations Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Route Condition Monitoring

      Detailed description of the Route Condition Monitoring application, within the Operations Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Schedule Adherence Support

      Detailed description of the Schedule Adherence Support application, within the Operations Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Service Contract compliance

      Detailed description of the Service Contract Compliance application, within the Operations Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Driving Standards compliance

      Detailed description of the Driving Standards Compliance application, within the Operations Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Emergency / incident management

      Detailed description of the Emergency/Incident Management application, within the Operations Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Dynamic rescheduling

      Detailed description of the Dynamic Rescheduling application, within the Operations Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

  • Driver Aids

    Brief synopsis of the six ITS Applications in the Driver Aids cluster, with links to each.

    • Schedule Adherence Support

      Detailed description of the Schedule Adherence Support application, within the Driver Aids cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Collision warning and avoidance

      Detailed description of the Collision Warning and Avoidance application, within the Driver Aids cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Precision / Station Docking Guidance

      Detailed description of the Precision Docking and Guidance application, within the Driver Aids cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Economic driving assistance

      Detailed description of the Economic Driving Assistance application, within the Driver Aids cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Vehicle condition monitoring

      Detailed description of the Vehicle Condition Monitoring application, within the Driver Aids cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Passenger surveillance

      Detailed description of the Passenger Surveillance application, within the Driver Aids cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

  • Fare Collection

    Brief synopsis of the six ITS Applications in the Fare Collection cluster, with links to each.

    • Travel sales and payment

      Detailed description of the Travel Sales and Payment application, within the Fare Collection cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Fare calculation and charging

      Detailed description of the Fare Calculation and Charging application, within the Fare Collection cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Travel authorisation and evidence

      Detailed description of the Travel Authorization and Evidence application, within the Fare Collection cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Interchange / Transfer Authority

      Detailed description of the Interchange/Transfer Authority application, within the Fare Collection cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Interchange / Transfer Rebate

      Detailed description of the Interchange/Transfer Rebate application, within the Fare Collection cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Revenue accounting and distribution

      Detailed description of the Revenue Accounting and Distribution application, within the Fare Collection cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

  • Traveller Information

    Brief synopsis of the nine ITS Applications in the Traveler Information cluster, with links to each.

    • Traveller info on PC/Internet

      Detailed description of the Traveler Information on PC/Internet application, within the Traveler Information cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Traveller info on phones/PDAs

      Detailed description of the Traveler Information on phones/PDAs application, within the Traveler Information cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Real-time info at stations/terminals

      Detailed description of the Real-time Information at stations/terminals application, within the Traveler Information cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Real-time info at bus stops

      Detailed description of the Real-time information at bus stops application, within the Traveler Information cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • In-vehicles information

      Detailed description of the Real-time information in vehicles application, within the Traveler Information cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Vehicle-stop announcement

      Detailed description of the Vehicle-stop Announcement application, within the Traveler Information cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Dynamic journey planners

      Detailed description of the Dynamic Journey Planner application, within the Traveler Information cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Alert services

      Detailed description of the Alert Services application, within the Traveler Information cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Emergency / incident advice

      Detailed description of the Emergency/Incident advice application, within the Traveler Information cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

  • Traffic Management

    Brief synopsis of the four ITS Applications in the Traffic Management cluster, with links to each.

    • Traffic Signal Priority

      Detailed description of the Traffic Signal Priority application, within the Traffic Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Access Control

      Detailed description of the Access Control application, within the Traffic Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Interface adaptive control systems

      Detailed description of the Interface with Adaptive Traffic Control Systems application, within the Traffic Management cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Lane/facility violation monitoring

      Detailed description of the Public Transport Lane/Facility Violation Monitoring application, within the Traffic Management cluster. Presents functions, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

  • Security

    Brief synopsis of the four ITS Applications in the Security cluster, with links to each.

    • In-vehicle surveillance

      Detailed description of the In-vehicle surveillance application, within the Security cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • At-station surveillance

      Detailed description of the At-station Surveillance application, within the Security cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Running-way surveillance

      Detailed description of the Running-way Surveillance application, within the Security cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Infrastructure / facility surveillance

      Detailed description of the Infrastructure/Facility Surveillance application, within the Security cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

  • Demand Responsive Transport

    Brief synopsis of the five ITS Applications in the Demand Responsive Transport cluster, with links to each.

    • Booking and Reservations

      Detailed description of the Booking and Reservation application, within the Demand Responsive Transport cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Traveller assignment

      Detailed description of the Traveler assignment application, within the Demand Responsive Transport cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Route optimisation

      Detailed description of the Route Optimization application, within the Demand Responsive Transport cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Customer pick-up / drop-off

      Detailed description of the Customer Pick-up/Drop-off Management application, within the Demand Responsive Transport cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Revenue recovery / administration

      Detailed description of the Revenue and Administration Management application, within the Demand Responsive Transport cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

  • ITS-facilitated Functions

    Brief synopsis of the ten ITS Applications in the ITS-facilitated functions cluster, with links to each.

    • Network planning

      Detailed description of the Network Planning application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Service scheduling

      Detailed description of the Service Scheduling application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Service performance analysis

      Detailed description of the Service Performance Analysis application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Service contract management

      Detailed description of the Service Contract Management application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Systems Payment Management

      Detailed description of the Service Payment Management application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Payroll functions

      Detailed description of the Payroll Function application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Vehicle maintenance scheduling

      Detailed description of the Vehicle Maintenance Scheduling application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Fuel consumption monitoring

      Detailed description of the Fuel Consumption Monitoring application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Management Information

      Detailed description of the Management Information application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

    • Revenue Protection

      Detailed description of the Revenue Protection application, within the ITS-facilitated Functions cluster. Presents the function, practice, technical approach, benefits and cautions, and Case Studies related to this ITS application.

The technical resource sections of this Toolkit consider the ITS from two related perspectives:

  • ITS Applications (this section). These are the functional aspect of the ITS systems.
  • ITS Technologies (next section). These are the specific devices, software and platform tools used to deliver the ITS Application.

The ITS Applications section describes what the ITS does and how it does it. From this perspective, technologies are simply a means of achieving the Application. As far as the Application is concerned, specific technologies are interchangeable, and could be replaced over the Application’s lifetime.

It is important to appreciate that the ITS Applications could be delivered on different technical platforms. An ITS Application such as Operations Management could be delivered on an advanced technology and communications platform (e.g. as in Dublin, Florence or Zurich), but could equally be delivered on a low-technology, low-cost platform (e.g. as in Sri Lanka).

The ITS Applications have far more in common from one location to another than the ITS Technologies do. Although the low-technology approach might not be able to support all of the functionality of its higher-technology counterpart, the principles, broad functions, mode of use and data may be quite comparable.

Further, the supporting technologies may evolve or be replaced over time, enabling the functionality and capacity of an ITS Application may be increased. It may even be possible to continue to use the original Applications software as the underlying ITS Technology base is changed (as in Prince William County). In this sense, ITS Applications have a much greater degree of permanence over time than the ITS Technologies, which are in a state of continual change.

This section presents the main ITS Applications that are currently in use in Urban Public Transport. The focus is on ITS used for bus, although many of the applications are also used in similar manner by trams and urban rail systems. Many of the ITS Applications are readily usable by the paratransit sector although, despite the high value-adding potential, at present the use of ITS in the paratransit sector is virtually non-existent.

A total of 41 ITS Applications are presented here. For coherence, they are presented in seven clusters:

  • Operations Management
  • Driver Aids
  • Fare Collection
  • Traveller Information
  • Traffic Management
  • Security
  • Demand Responsive Transport


Operations Management

Driver Aids

Fare Collection

  • Automatic Vehicle Monitoring
  • Route Condition Monitoring
  • Schedule Adherence Support
  • Service Contract compliance
  • Driving-standards compliance
  • Emergency/incident management
  • Dynamic rescheduling
  • Schedule Adherence Support
  • Collision warning and avoidance
  • Precision Docking
  • Economic driving assistance
  • Vehicle condition monitoring
  • Passenger surveillance
  • Schedule Adherence Support
  • Collision warning and avoidance
  • Precision Docking
  • Economic driving assistance
  • Vehicle condition monitoring
  • Passenger surveillance
  • Travel sales and payment
  • Fare calculation and charging
  • Travel authorisation and evidence
  • Interchange / transfer authority
  • Interchange / transfer rebate
  • Revenue accounting and distribution


Traveller Information

Traffic Management


  • Traveller information on PC/Internet
  • Traveller information on phones/PDAs
  • Real-time information at stations/terminals
  • Real-time information at bus-stops
  • Real-time information in vehicles
  • Vehicle-stop announcement
  • Dynamic journey planners
  • Alert services
  • Emergency/incident advice


  • Traffic Signal Priority
  • Access Control
  • Interface with adaptive traffic control systems
  • Public transport lane/facility violation monitoring
  • In-vehicle surveillance
  • At-station surveillance
  • Running-way surveillance
  • Infrastructure/facility surveillance
  •  In-vehicle surveillance
  • At-station surveillance
  • Running-way surveillance
  • Infrastructure/facility surveillance

Demand Responsive Transport



  • Booking and Reservations
  • Traveller assignment
  • Route optimisation
  • Customer pick-up/drop-off management
  • Revenue recovery and administration management



Each ITS Application is described from three perspectives:

  • Objectives and functionality
  • Technologies, data and resource required to deliver the Application
  • Benefits and cautions related to the Application

The material draws mostly on current practice within the urban passenger transport sector. The description of each Application indicates the Case Studies where the Application is active – for some, additional cities are identified. Where available, weblinks are provided to relevant reports and other resources.