Guide for Road Safety Opportunities and Challenges: Low- and Middle-Income Country Profiles

Papers & Notes February 19, 2020 Road Safety Observatory Road Safety…

William Majani Wambulwa, Global Road Safety Facility

Dr. Soames Job, Head of the Global Road Safety Facility and Global Road Safety Lead, World Bank

Guide for Road Safety Opportunities and Challenges: Low- and Middle-Income Country Profiles

The Guide for Road Safety Opportunities and Challenges: Low- and Middle-income Country Profiles gives a precise assessment on the magnitude and complexity of road safety challenges faced by low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and helps policy makers understand the road safety framework within the context of their own country systems and performance. The guide also helps countries build and appreciate the business case for vital road safety investment.

The country profiles present information on all the pillars of road safety - management, roads, speed, vehicles, road users, and post-crash care - as well as information on the current status of each country and region, along with extensive information on key risk factors, issues and opportunities. It also provides a baseline for monitoring progress on vital metrics for road safety and guides action. Clear advice and references regarding robust policies and other interventions are provided to countries facing specific challenges, allowing them to take direct action on priority issues and opportunities.

The guide was developed by GRSF together with the World Bank, with funding support from UK Aid and the World Bank. 

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