Non-Motorized Transport in African Cities -- Lessons from Experience in Kenya and Tanzania

Toolkits SSATP Working Paper August 30, 2005 Regional Integration Kenya Tanzania

V. Setty Pendakur

SSATP, The World Bank
SSATP Working Paper No. 80 (NMT) -- Full Text
Non-Motorized Transport in African Cities -- Lessons from Experience in Kenya and Tanzania

This document is based on a program of Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) Infrastructure and Services in Kenya (Nairobi and Eldoret), and Tanzania (Temeke, ward of Dar es Salaam and Morogoro). It aims to: a) comprehensively document the background to urban mobility in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), b) describe the NMT pilot projects and their post-project monitoring, c) document the various assessments of this program which were previously undertaken, and, d) draw the "Lessons from experience" as a potentially useful instrument for the formulation and implementation of future NMT programs in SSA. The assessment of the NMT pilot interventions raised a number of key issues that could be addressed in future interventions. Activities that could be undertaken to consolidate, and further develop the achievements of the NMT pilot projects include: 1) A survey of standard NMT infrastructure design details already used by local authorities in SSA. Assess the potential usefulness of consolidating these designs, and the experiences of the pilot projects into a design manual for NMT infrastructure. Analyze the suitability of these designs in relation to the lessons learned on the pilot projects; 2) A manual of standard designs that could be used widely in the region. Establish the appropriate level of sophistication for such a manual; 3) Encouraging a higher profile for NMT issues by establishing a Challenge Fund. This fund would be available for committed local authorities in SSA to develop their own capacity for addressing the needs of NMT, and for long-term capacity development in their own organizations. The funds would be allocated to those demonstrating commitment to the needs of NMT users.

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