Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA): Guideline for Cities in Africa

Papers & Notes Other December 31, 2021 Urban Transport & Mobility
Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA): Guideline for Cities in Africa

In partnership with the African Development Bank (AfDB), SSATP supported the development of a Traffic Impact Assessment Guideline. TIAs are crucial for determining the impact of new building and infrastructure developments on urban traffic, including the safety and efficiency of adjacent roads. This report is a concise, step by step, easy-to-use guide for undertaking TIAs in the continent’s growing urban centers. The study is based on widely adopted international practices that can be adapted fully or partially to the conditions experienced in any city. The main target group for these guidelines are: (i) local and national government agencies in Africa, (ii) private developers, (iii) planners, architects and engineers, and (iv) TIA consultants.

traffic management African cities impact assessment urban planning transport planning
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