A User Guide to Road Management Tools

Toolkits SSATP Working Paper November 30, 2008 Road Asset Management
A User Guide to Road Management Tools
This user guide gives an overview of selected tools for road infrastructure management, and explains how they can assist road authorities and contribute to road management. It captures, in a single document, important features of these tools, scattered around in various documents and on various websites. By providing easy access to basic information on these tools, the document intends to promote their use in the region.This overview document is aimed at politicians and high-level decision makers in road authorities and road agencies who may not always have the necessary technical background or time for in-depth study, but forwhom a basic understanding of these tools may be desirable, if not essential. The manual is also intended as an introduction to first-time readers at the technical level. For these readers, this document provides sufficient information and the necessary context to guide them in selecting appropriate tools. It also strives to “wet their appetite” for a more in-depth study of these tools, which is a prerequisite for their application to real-life situations.

accessibility accessibility problems accurate assessment adequate rural infrastructure animal-drawn carts appropriate technologies asphalt Asphalt Concrete Average Daily Traffic basic access bicycles bridge bridge conditions bridge maintenance Bridge Management System bridges business goals business needs business operations business processes candidate road capabilities Capacity building Community Transport community transport plan computer systems connectivity Cost-benefit analysis customer relationships customization data analysis data processing database management system decision support software domain drainage Earth Road economic activity economic development energy consumption equipment financial performance footbridges footpaths framework Global Positioning System GPS gravel GRAVEL ROAD hardware haulage high traffic volumes Highway Highway Design highway infrastructure highway planning highway system ID impact of transport implementation plans IMT income information system Information Technology infrastructure management infrastructure projects Innovation input data inspection Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning interface Intermediate means of transport internal business inventory IRAP journey Length of road license licenses loading main road mainframe mainframe computers management system Management Systems marketing material means of transport menu mobility motorized transport NMT overlay path Paths Pavement Pavement condition pavement conditions pavement maintenance pavement management pavement management system pavements Pedestrians performance indicators performance measure performance measures performances physical infrastructure PMS Policy formulation private sector procurement productivity professional staff Project analysis project management prototype Reconstruction reliability result Results RMI Road road accidents road agencies Road agency Road Authorities Road Authority road class road classification road conditions road deterioration road development road expenditures road improvement road infrastructure road investment Road Maintenance road management ROAD NETWORK road networks Road Projects road safety Road Sector road standards road system Road transport Road User Road User Charges road user costs road widening road works roads roadwork RURAL ACCESS rural access network rural accessibility rural areas rural development rural households rural infrastructure Rural Road rural road network rural road sub-sector rural road sub-sector investments rural roads Rural transport Rural Transport Infrastructure rural transport interventions rural transport services sensitivity analysis sharing SlA social services software package span spot improvement spot improvement approach spot improvements spreadsheet standardization supervision targets Technical cooperation time frame Tracks traffic traffic congestion traffic data traffic flows traffic noise traffic volume transparency Transport transport activities Transport Appraisal transport cost transport infrastructures transport investment transport network transport plan Transport Policy Transport Research Transport Research laboratory transport sector transport service transport services travel time travel time cost type of transport types of road underpinning unpaved roads urban roads usability users uses vehicle Vehicle emissions vehicle fleet vehicle fleets vehicle operating Vehicle Operating Cost vehicle operating costs vehicle operation vehicle speeds Vehicles verification village transport village transport network walking
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