DP3 Publications Brochure: A Wealth of Knowledge

Throughout the Third Development Plan (DP3), a multi-year work program spanning 2016-2021, SSATP focused on supporting member countries with developing sound transport strategies and policies to improve regional integration, urban mobility, and road safety in the continent. The "DP3 Publications Brochure" is a compendium of all the knowledge products produced by the Program during the recently completed DP3 strategy cycle. It includes short summaries of all the publications with linked QR codes for quick access to all the resources.

Concessionning of the Ifrikya Railway: A Case Study

The case study of the concessioning of the Ifrikya railway is based in part on several recent actual case studies on railway concessioning in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, several features of the general context and data have been changed for pedagogical purposes. The Republic of Ifrikya should therefore be considered an entirely fictitious country and the description of conditions there should not in any way be construed as mirroring the situation in any country that has recently entered into a railway concessioning arrangement.

Case Study on Intermediate Means of Transport: Bicycles and Rural Women in Uganda

The present case study documents the use of bicycles in eastern Uganda where they are a means of generating income for rural traders and for urban poor who work as bicycle taxi-riders. It also assesses women's priorities regarding interventions to improve mobility and access, and the potential for greater use of bicycles by rural women and for women's activities.

Case Study on the Role of Women in Rural Transport: Access of Women to Domestic Facilities

In rural Africa it is women who bear the greater part of the transport burden. Understanding their transport patterns is a first step in aiming to reduce their onerous task. Comprehensive village-level travel and transport surveys (VLTTS) and associated case studies have been carried out under the Rural Travel and Transport Project (RTTP) to gain insights into the travel patterns of rural people and assess the potential for, and constraints to, sustainable improvements in the level of access of rural populations in SSA to economic (particularly agricultural) and social services.

Management and Financing of Road Transport Infrastructure in Africa

This paper considers the major issues confronting the financing and management of road transport infrastructure in Africa today. From the starting point of accelerating road deterioration and inadequate attention to maintenance in the late 1980s, the paper shows how the new thinking on managing roads in a business-like fashion came to be applied in Africa.

The Rural Transport Knowledge Base

The 'Rural Transport Knowledge Base' is a set of reference and training material of the latest thinking and practice in the field of rural transport. The material draws on experience and publications, as well as case study examples to facilitate the dissemination of best practice to policy makers, planners and practitioners in the developed and developing world.

A Review of Road Sector Reform in Tanzania

Tanzania has been one of the countries at the forefront of reforms inspired by the Road Management Initiative. This paper focuses on some of the main challenges that the country now faces in consolidating an institutional structure: setting up both the road fund and a new main road agency to carry the reform process forward and secure sustainable improvements in road sector performance. The paper is based on extensive fieldwork and stakeholder interviews carried out in 2001 as well as on a review of the major lessons emerging from past reform experience in Tanzania.