Overview of the Africa Transport Policy Program

This presentation provides an overview of SSATP's Third Development Plan (DP3), its guiding principles and the strategic approach based on partnership, ownership and sustainability. It also showcases…

November 29, 2019

New SSATP Website Presentation

Presented by Kaori Niina, SSATP's Communicatons Officer on November 29, 2019 at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls, this presentation provides an overview of the new SSATP Website. It…

November 29, 2019

Regional Integration
Regional Integration Pillar - Wrap-Up Presentation at SSATP 2019 Annual General Meeting

Presented by Yaya Yedan, SSATP's Regional Integration Pillar Lead, on November 26, 2019 at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls, this presentation provides an overview of the main…

November 28, 2019

Road Safety
Road Safety Pillar - Wrap-Up Presentation at SSATP 2019 Annual General Meeting

Presented by Tawia Addo-Ashong, SSATP's Road Safety Pillar Lead, on November 28, 2019 at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls, this presentation provides an overview of the main outcomes…

November 28, 2019

Urban Transport & Mobility
Recommendations for the Fourth Development Plan (DP4) - Sustainable Urban Mobility & Accessibility Thematic Areas

Presented by Zemedkun Girma Tessema, SSATP's Urban Transport and Mobility Pillar Lead, on November 28, 2019 at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls, this presentation provides an overview…

November 28, 2019

Road Safety
Road Safety Pillar C: DP3 Progress & Looking to DP4

Presented by Tawia Addo-Ashong, SSATP's Road Safety Pillar Lead, on November 25, 2019 at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, this presentation provides an overview of the main…

November 27, 2019

Regional Integration
Briefing on Experts' Panel Discussion on Promoting Green Freight Transport in Africa

This document entitled 'Briefing on Experts' Panel Discussion on Promoting Green Freight Transport in Africa' provides background information on the objective, format and questions used to kick-off…

November 27, 2019

Road Safety
Brief for Research Group Session on Using Data for Decision Making

This workshop shows the need to use data for decision making. It posits the need of the appreciation of the value of the data-driven, evidence-based approach or interventions to road safety (and…

November 27, 2019

Presentation on Fourth Development Plan (DP4) Concept

This presentation provides an overview of SSATP's Fourth Development Plan (DP4) concept note. The proposed thematic areas for the new DP4 include: Regional Connectivity and Economic Integration (RCEI…

November 27, 2019

Regional Integration
Projecting Regional Integration in DP4

Presented by Yaya Yedan, SSATP Regional Integration Pillar Lead, on November 27, 2019 at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls, this presentation provides a projection of Regional…

November 27, 2019

Urban Transport & Mobility
Measuring Progress Against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Implementing the New Urban Agenda

This presentation entitled 'Measuring Progress Against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and an Implementation of the New Urban Agenda' was made by Debashish Bhattacharjee and Stefanie…

November 27, 2019

Sustainable Transport
Advancing Africa Green Freight Transport Agenda

The presentation entitled 'Advancing Africa Green Freight Transport Agenda' was made at SSATP's 2019 Annual Meeting in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe as an introductory message to kickstart the…

November 27, 2019

Road Safety
Road Safety in the Republic of Tunisia: Current Reforms and Challenges (French PPT)

This presentation entitled "Sécurité routière en Tunisie : Réformes en cours et défis" was made at the SSATP Annual General Assembly in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. It presents (i) the importance of…

November 27, 2019

Regional Integration
Regional Integration Proposed Results Framework for DP4

Presented by Yaya Yedan, SSATP Regional Integration Pillar Lead, on November 27, 2019 at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls, this presentation provides an overview of a proposed results…

November 27, 2019

Trade & Transport Facilitation
Tripartite Transport and Transit Facilitation Programme (TTTFP): Progress and Current Status

This presentation provides an overview of the Tripartite Transport and Transit Facilitation Programme (TTTFP), including its policy goal, strategy, methodology, enabling laws and regulations,…

November 27, 2019

Presentation on Fourth Development Plan (DP4) Concept - Updated

This presentation provides an overview of SSATP's Fourth Development Plan (DP4) concept note, and incorporates stakeholder feedback on the additional activities that should be included under each of…

November 27, 2019

Urban Transport & Mobility
Enhancing Financial Sustainability and Commercial Viability of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Sub-Saharan Africa

This presentation entitled 'Enhancing Financial Sustainability and Commercial Viability of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)' was made by Hongye Fan and Edward Beukes (World Bank)…

November 26, 2019

Urban Transport & Mobility
Informal Transit Reform: The Case of Freetown / Digitilization of Transport in African Cities

This PDF contains two presentations entitled "Informal Transit Reform - Case of Freetown" and "Digitilization of Transport in African Cities" made by Fatima Arroyo-Arroyo, World Bank Urban Transport…

November 26, 2019

Corridors Management
Ensuring the Sustainability of Corridors Management Institutions

This presentation entitled 'Ensuring the Sustainability of Corridors Management Institutions' was made at SSATP's Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The presentation posits that…

November 26, 2019

Corridors Management
Brief for Session on Ensuring the Sustainability of Corridors Management Institutions

This document provides an overview of what the expert panel session on 'Ensuring the Sustainability of Corridors Management Institutions' will be about. The main objectives of the panel discussion…

November 26, 2019

Road Asset Management
Road Management Best Practices: Integrating Road Safety and Asset Management

November 26, 2019