SSATP & UITP Webinar: Enhancing the Financial Sustainability and Commercial Viability of BRTs in Sub-Saharan Africa: Factor Analysis & Assessment Tool
December 15, 2020
Enhancing the Financial Sustainability and Commercial Viability of BRTs in Sub-Saharan Africa: Factor Analysis & Assessment Tool December 15, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (DC) …

3rd Joint UITP & SSATP Webinar: Innovations and New Solutions for Small/Individual Bus Operators - How to Adapt to the New Normal?
In the third edition of the informal transport webinar series organized by SSATP together with the International Association of Public Transport (UITP), discussions focused on how the use…
Joint UITP & SSATP Webinar 2: Key Factors of Success to Formalize Informal Transport and the Significance of Authorities
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on public transport worldwide and in particular on the informal transport sector, including small and individual bus operators. This…

Joint UITP & SSATP Webinar 1: How has Covid-19 changed the life of small/individual bus operators and authorities?
August 31, 2020
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on public transport worldwide and in particular on the informal transport sector, including small and individual bus operators. This…

First General Assembly of the African Road Safety Observatory (ARSO)
June 27, 2019
The African Union Commission (AUC) and the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP, an international partnership administered by the World Bank) with the support of South Africa’s Road Traffic…
3rd Multi-Country Workshop on Improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics: Mortality from Road Crashes in Africa
December 10, 2019
This document summarizes attendees agenda and outcomes of the 3rd joint workshop between WHO and ARSO to address the discrepancies between police-reported and vital registration derived road fatality…
Workshop Report on Improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics: Mortality from Road Crashes in Africa
April 03, 2019
This document summarizes attendees agenda and outcomes of the 2nd joint workshop between WHO and ARSO to address the discrepancies between police-reported and vital registration derived road fatality…
Workshop for Outlining Strategies for Collecting and Improving Data on Road Traffic Deaths in Africa
November 14, 2018
This document summarizes attendees agenda and outcomes of the 1st joint workshop between WHO and ARSO to address the discrepancies between police-reported and vital registration derived road fatality…
3rd ARSO Workshop in Marrakesh: Towards the Establishment of a Road Safety Observatory in Africa
November 14, 2018
This document summarizes attendees, agenda and outcomes of the 3rd workshop held in Morocco which culminated in the delivery of ARSO proposed by laws to the AU, approval of a 2019-2021 work plan and…
2nd ARSO Workshop in Abuja: Towards the Establishment of a Road Safety Observatory in Africa
July 02, 2018
This document summarizes attendees, agenda and outcomes of the 2nd workshop held in Nigeria which had an intense focus on the definition of a minimum number of crash-related variables to be collected…
First African Road Safety Forum in Marrakech
November 13, 2018
According to the World Health Organization's 2015 Global Road Safety Situation Report, nearly 1.25 million people die every year on the roads despite progress in this area. However, while the number…

Zimbabwe Hosts SSATP's 2019 Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls (Presentations included)
November 25, 2019
Hosted by Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, the 2019 SSATP Annual Meeting took take place in Victoria Falls on November 25-29, 2019. The central theme of…

2018 SSATP Annual Meeting (Presentations)
July 02, 2018
The Annual Meeting of the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) was held in Abuja, Nigeria during the week of July 2-6, 2018. Over 250 participants attended the meeting from 30 countries (11…

Transit Workshop for West and Central Africa: SSATP – WCO – IRU – ALCO
April 11, 2018
Throughout its activities on many corridors in Africa, the SSATP had the opportunity to witness the diversity of the approaches and solutions adopted to improve corridor performance, but also to note…

1st ARSO Workshop in Dakar: Towards the Establishment of a Road Safety Observatory in Africa
February 20, 2018
The Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP), in collaboration with the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), and the International Transport Forum (ITF) delivered the first workshop “…

SSATP & IRTAD Workshop on Road Safety Data
February 23, 2017
SSATP hosted a workshop on road safety data for Francophone countries. It was held on February 23-24, 2017 in Marrakesh, Morocco. Le SSATP a organisé un atelier sur les données de sécurité routière…

2017 SSATP Annual Meeting
February 20, 2017
The Annual Meeting of the Africa Transport Policy Program (SSATP) was held in Marrakech on February 20-24, 2017. Over 150 participants attended the meeting from 30 countries (8 Ministers, 4 Permanent…

Regional Integration Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, December 8 to 10
The SSATP is jointly hosting its first Workshop on Integration, Connectivity and Cohesion Policies with Northern Corridor TTCA in Nairobi from December 8 to 10. SSATP is working…

Urban Mobility Workshop in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, December 1 to 4
The SSATP is hosting its first Workshop on Urban Mobility and Accessibility Policies in Addis-Ababa from December 1 to 4. The objective of the workshop is to seek the participants opinion and…

2014 Africa Sustainable Transport Forum (ASTF)
October 28, 2014
The SSATP, World Bank, UN-Habitat, UNEP and the Government of Kenya are launching the Africa Sustainable Transport Forum (ASTF) to provide a platform for African stakeholders to learn, share,…

SSATP 2013 Annual Meeting & Africa Transport Policy Forum
December 10, 2013
The Africa Transport Policy Program and the Government of Senegal are pleased to announce that the 2013 Annual Meeting and the first Africa Transport Policy Forum will take place in Dakar,…