Les services maritimes en Afrique de l’Ouest -- Tendance et Problèmes

Documents et notes Document de travail (SSATP) October 01, 1995 Intégration régionale

Michel Audigé

SSATP, Banque mondiale
Document de travail SSATP No. 16F
Les services maritimes en Afrique de l’Ouest -- Tendance et Problèmes

This report is intended for key stakeholders in the maritime transport sector in West and Central Africa (West Africa) and provides an overview of the issues and problems highlighted during the Round Table on Shipping Services in West and Central African States sponsored jointly by the World Bank and the Ministerial Conference of West and Central African States on Maritime transport (MINCONMAR) was held in Cotonou, Benin on June 23-26, 1992. Furthermore, information is given about ongoing activities under the Trade and Transport Project, and an update of maritime developments in the region since 1992 is given. Data has been drawn from a large number of sources including Lloyd's Shipping Economist, Containerization International, Journal of Commerce, Maritime Policy and Management, and UNCTAD. A glossary of maritime terms is given at the end of the report. The Cotonou Round Table brought together more than 150 representatives from African and European governments, international and intergovernmental organizations, ocean carriers, shippers' councils, shippers, ports, and related industries. The Round Table was sponsored by the Republic of Benin, Canada, the Economic Commission of the European Communities (EC), and France.

maritime transport Trends Stakeholders Shipping industry transport projects Maritime industries containerization carriers Shippers Ports projects Statutory instruments Policy framework agriculture Droughts Food imports Oil products Merchant fleets Freight markets liner shipping
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