Toolkit structure
The Toolkit is structured in five progressive layers, and comprises the following sections:
- Fare Collection Framework – covering the strategic issues and institutional frameworks in the urban passenger transport system that govern the selection of objectives for the fare collection system;
- Fare Collection Objectives – covering the policy, pricing, and usability objectives of the fare collection system;
- Fare Collection Practices – covering fare structures, fare products and concessions, and integration modalities;
- Fare Collection Procedures – covering the various processes used in the collection and protection of passenger revenues; and
- Fare Collection Technologies – covering the various technologies employed to enable these fare collection processes.
For the purposes of this toolkit, an “authority” is assumed to be the public entity involved in the strategic planning, investment decision making and regulatory oversight of public transport in the respective metropolitan area or city, while the “operator” is the entity, public or privately held, that actually delivers the public transport services.