Network and modal planning

Network and Modal Planning

Description / objective

This is the level at which specific tactical decisions are taken about the specification of the transport service network, and its user interface, so as to meet the strategic goals that have been set. It therefore covers the network definition; routes; interchanges; service timetables; vehicle types; fare collection systems; and external communications. These decisions are also generally taken at extended intervals, but subject to regular review and amendment as a city grows. The framework for demand responsive (and special-needs) transport have also been included at this level.

A number of functions at this level can be assisted by the use of intelligent transport systems, but the greater relevance to the toolkit lies in defining functional specifications for service and support level activities within the system. Again decisions regarding fares policy and practice are addressed in greater detail in the Fare Collection Systems Toolkit.

ITS applications

There are no direct ITS applications at this level of passenger transport functions. However network and modal planning and service planning and specification may be facilitated by data generated by electronic fare collection and automatic vehicle location technologies respectively. Further, service contracting and management may usefully involve ITS in monitoring service-contract compliance.  ITS applications may also be chosen in the domains of fares policy and practice and external communications.

Advantages and cautions

The tactical planning level does not justify investment in ITS systems or technologies in its own right. However the justification for ITS applications may be supported by benefits in this domain when the investment case is being prepared.