
Manual revenue collection systems [that is, those incapable of electronic data transfer] generate clerical or computerized control systems to verify revenue management processes have been reconciled and any variations identified for investigation and correction. Complex fares systems and those systems with many crew, vehicles, operators and locations require significant manual input to validate that systems function as planned. Such systems are prone to human error, and may also be targeted for fraud.

Electronic fare collection systems are inherently more accurate and secure, but involve the transmission of large volumes of data. Data transfer from a vehicle to its operating base or central agency can be achieved in real time with mobile radio communication, or at the end of the duty by physical data transfer or local communication. However the volume of stop-based transactions is generally far higher than on a single vehicle, and data transfer to the central agency then usually requires fixed links such as high-capacity copper or fiber-optic cable. Consolidation at the depot level requires even higher communication capacity to the central agency, and this will require fiber-optic cable.